GMB Sekayu
On 5 September 2012, The Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry awarded Consortium of Star Energy CBM (Sekayu) Ltd and Ephindo Sekayu 2 Incorporation. the exploration night to develop GMB Sekayu II coal bed methane (CBM) field in South Sumatra with a coverage area of 451 km?
Star Energy’s 269 interest in this new GMB (Gas Metana Batubara) Sekayu II — CBM field would give us an interesting mix of business involvement in energy as part
of our Non-Organic Growth initiative.
Upon signing of the Sekayu II CBM PSC during GASEX 2012 event in Nusa Dua on 9 October 2012, Star Energy has taking the next step to provide diversification
to our Portfolio.
The project is scheduled to start its campaign in 2013 with exploratory-coring well, dewatering and production test to meet the first three years commitment.